Springtime Paddle

I think this has been the longest January in the known world. I went shopping and had my hair done yesterday. January has got me feeling a bit flat so it was nice to have a boost. It was also nice to start feeling a bit slim again after the Christmas binge. We’ve upped our protein and veg intake in our evening meals during the week in replacement of all the yummy carbs we usually have.

Today was a beautiful day so we decided to take the kayaks out for their first paddle of the year. We started at Dedham with a strong current and found ourselves in Flatford in record time. The river was almost deserted except for some dog walkers and it was really nice to give the old arms a stretch and get some fresh air into the lungs.

The temperature was a balmy 12 degrees and I wore some bed socks to keep my feet toasty so it was really enjoyable. Spring is definitely just around the corner! I even found some lovely little snowdrops!

The Mill was heaving and they’d run out of sausage rolls so we had scones with jam and cream whilst sat on the grass. The trip back was much harder going as we went against the current and the wind was blowing in our faces. I’ve realised I make a lot of fuss when I’m putting in effort but this doesn’t mean I’m ready to quit, I think the moaning helps me through- a metaphor for life?

This afternoon I’ve done washing and some school work. Typical Sunday.

I’m reading One Little Mistake by Emma Curtis at the moment. I’m whizzing through it, it’s such an easy and gripping read. Matt’s bought himself another Xbox so it’s given me the excuse to curl up on the sofa this evening with my book. Before bed I’m going to get some more of my shawl knitted and watch another episode of Britannia.

I’ve got quite a full on week this week so an early night tonight to set me up for it all.

What have you done this Sunday? Have you been out enjoying the weather?

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